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Information and Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community

PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Fairbanks

Founded in 1972 with the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the nation's largest family and ally organization. Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality and full societal affirmation of LGBTQ people through its threefold mission of support, education, and advocacy.

PFLAG has over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of American families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas in all 50 states. 

This vast grassroots network is cultivated, resourced, and serviced by PFLAG National, located in Washington, D.C., the National Board of Directors and 13 Regional Dire


Everyone is gay Alaska

Everyone Is Gay works to improve the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning/Queer (LGBTQ) youth using a three-pronged approach: providing honest advice to these youth while keeping them laughing; talking to students across the country in an effort to create caring, compassionate school environments; and working with parents of LGBTQ kids to help foster an ongoing dialogue and deeper understanding.

Founded in 2010 by Kristin Russo and Dannielle Owens-Reid, the organization grew rapidly and began touring high school & college campuses in 2011. The Parents Project, a first-of-its-kind digital presence for parents of LGBTQ youth, was founded in 2013, and Dannielle and Kristin co-authored This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids in 2014.


SEAGLA (SouthEast Alaska LGBTQ+ Alliance)

Welcome to SEAGLA. For a list of the current and upcoming events and activities, take a look at the Gay Agenda calendar. To see what's happening at the local and national level, check out our News page. If you are interested in joining SEAGLA or already have, then visit the Members page to join or renew your membership. There are many other resources for members and visitors alike. Take a look around or used the search feature to help find information quickly. Enjoy!!!


Interior AIDS Association

Our Mission 
         IAA's mission is to reduce the spread of HIV by providing meaningful and effective   education and prevention services to individuals and groups who may be at increased risk; and to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS by providing early intervention, case management, and other support services.
Funding Sources
          The IAA receives funding from a variety of sources including Alaska's Department of Public Health, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the FNSB Community Matching Grant, local fundraisers, and individual donations.


GLSEN Alaska

Welcome to the home page for the Fairbanks, Alaska chapter of GLSEN. This is the index page, which serves as a table of contents for those pages contained within. Please click on one of the following links in order to go to that area.


Four A's Alaska's Aids Assitance Association

We provide supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and work to eliminate the transmission of HIV and its stigma.

Alaska Resources
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