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Homosexual individuals have more sexual partners than Heterosexual partners


In truth people within the LGBTQ+ community desire long term relationship just as much as heterosexual individuals and people within the LGBTQ+ Community often value loyalty in their parrtner as do Heterosexual partners. Heterosexual couples have a divorce rate that can be as high as 50% while LGBTQ+ People have a divorce rate of around 11%. 


Gay men molest children

97% of child molesting is perpetrated by heterosexual adult males on adolescent females.  The “average” offender is a white heterosexual male in an adult relationship and is a man that the child knows.  The adult who does molest children is often a pedophile—a person who is attracted to children regardless of their sex. 


You can spot a gay or lesbian by the way they act or dress

Gender roles do not determine sexual orientation.  Many LGBT people are impossible to distinguish from straight and more gender normative individuals.  There are some lesbians who dress in a very masculine way, some gay men who act in traditionally feminine ways, and many LGBT people who feel the freedom to explore a range of gender expression. They are also many gender normative LGBT people who “pass” unnoticed every day.


Gay people are not good parrents as they introduce their childt o their "lifestyle;" their children will grow up to be gay

According to the American Psychiatric Association, studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not dictate his or her children's.



I have never met a person who is gay, lesbian bisexual, or transgender

Most people know a number of LGBT persons, but are unaware of it because these persons are “in the closet”. Because of intense prejudice and hatred directed toward LGBTs in our society, many are quite reluctant to reveal their sexual orientation. As noted above, most LGBT people look and act just like everyone else. They come from all walks of life, all races, all economic levels, and all political perspectives. So heterosexual people can assume that they probably have homosexual neighbors, friends, relatives, and fellow worshipers—although those persons may be afraid to reveal that they are not straight.


To be bisexual implies that a person has multiple patners

Bisexual individuals have affection and sexual feelings towards persons of the other sex, as well as the same sex. This does not imply involvement with more than one partner any more than a heterosexual person’s ability to be attracted to more than one person implies multiple partners.


LGBT Individuals want to come into our public schools and recruit studetns to their lifestyle

There have been attempts to bring LGBT issues into schools, but certainly not to convert anyone. There is no evidence that people could be “recruited” to a homosexual orientation, even if someone wanted to do this. The intent is to teach adolescents not to mistreat LGBT classmates, who are often subjects of harassment and physical attacks. Talking openly about homosexuality is also crucial to students who are LGBT. Feeling alone, frightened and confused, these young people are much more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers. A recent study indicates that 30% of gay and lesbian students attempt suicide around the age of 15.


Christians are united in their opposition to homo sexual people and homosexuality

There are a wide variety of opinions about homosexual persons among the various Christian denominations, and among individuals as well. Some religious groups interpret certain Biblical passages as injunctions against homosexuality, while others view these passages in the light of historical context, pointing out other passages Christians no longer take literally, such as those advocating slavery, dietary laws, and ritual purity laws. In addition many Christian denominations have issued statements condemning discrimination and prejudice against homosexual people, as have a number of Jewish and other religious groups. There are numerous congregations who welcome and affirm homosexual Christians as fully participating members of the body of Christ, with unique gifts to offer.

LGBTQ+ Myths and Truths

Belowe are many of the commonly accepted myths about the LGBTQ+ Community and the correct truth. 

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