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Cis-Gender is someone who identifies fully with the gender that matches the biological sex they were born with. I.e. a male identifiing as a male and a female identifing as a female. 



Cis-Man refers to someone who was born as male and identifies as male. 



Cis-Woman refers to someone who was born as Female and identifies as Female. 



Trans-Gender is a term which refers to someon who does not identify as the biological sex they were born as. In some cases they make take steps to change their biological gender to match the gender they identify with. 



Trans-Women is a term that refers to someone who was biologicaly born as a male who identifies as a female. 



Trans-Man is a term that refers to someon who was biologicaly born as a female who identifies as a male. 


Gender Queer

Gender Queer refers to someone who identifies outside the gender bianary. They may identify as both genders, neither gender, or a combination thereof. 


Gender Fluid

Gender Fluid refers to somone who sometimes identifies as a male, as a female, and a combination thereof. 



A-Gender is a term that refers to someone that does not identify as male or female and does not subscribe to traditonal gender roles. 



A-Gender is a term that refers to someone who identifies is two genders. Though typically male and female it canbe two genders that are not male or female. 



Butch is a term used to describe a masculin gender idenity. 



This acronym means “coercively assigned female at birth”.
This is used by intersex individuals who were assigned female at birth without their consent, usually with surgical modifications to their body.



This acronymn means “coercively assigned male at birth.”

This is used by intersex individuals who were assigned male at birth without their consent, usually with surgical modifications to their body.



This is a gender identity that can refer to someone who was assigned female at birth who feels only the slightest association with"female". However they don’t feel enough disassociation to result in physical discomfort/dysphoria.

This can also refer to someone who was assigned male at birth, who identifies as transfeminine, but is not completely binary-identified. This mean that they feel more strongly associated with “female” than “male,” but not strongly enough to justify an absolute identification as “woman".



This is a gender identity that can refer to someone who was assigned male at birth who feels only the slightest association with"male". However they don’t feel enough disassociation to result in physical discomfort/dysphoria.

This can also refer to someone who was assigned female at birth, who identifies as transmasculine, but is not completely binary-identified. This mean that they feel more strongly associated with “male” than “female,” but not strongly enough to justify an absolute identification as “man".



Someone who is born with the medically defined standard sex chromozone, genatilia, and reprductive system. 



Inter-Gender refers to someone whos gender is inbetween genders or a combination of genders. 



This refers to somone who does not identify with the pre-defined genders/gender identiy is not explained by the pre-defined gender idenities. 



Poly-Gender irefers to someone who identifies as more than one gender or a combination of genders. 



Pan-Gender refers to someone who gener idenity is comprised on many gender expersisions.



Tri Gender may refers to two different circumstances;

The first comprises of people who feel they are neither male nor female, but not androgynous and thus construct their own gender.

It may also be used in reference to a person who moves between three genders, as bigender is used to refer to those who move between two genders.


Gender Idenity

Gender Identification has similar ties to Gender Expression; however, this is what gender someone chooses to identify with. This is not nearly as simple as male or female; there are more gender identities than one can remember. Transgender is arguably the most well-known and understood; but it is not the only one.

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