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Information and Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community

Tri-State Alliance


“The Tri-State Alliance (TSA) is the primary social service and educational organization that serves the diverse gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities of Southwestern Indiana, Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois. TSA works to educate our own community through a monthly newsletter and guest speakers, engages the media on relevant LGBT issues, and trains other public/social service organizations through a speakers bureau and diversity education.

TSA coordinates the regional LGBT Youth Group, HIV prevention targeting the gay community, and Lesbian Health Project services. The gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight-supporting allies who volunteer for TSA continue to serve the region’s LGBT community and its changing needs.”

To read our full Constitution and Bylaws, feel free to download the PDF edition.


Tri-State Alliance (TSA) is a not-for-profit social service/education organization that serves gays, lesbians and bisexuals in Southwestern Indiana, Northwestern Kentucky and Southeastern Illinois.

TSA was formed in 1980 to meet the changing needs of the region’s gay and lesbian populations. TSA has a variety of committees and events that work to meet these needs. Major events sponsored by the group include the gay and lesbian youth prom, the summer pride picnic, the AIDS Art Auction and the AIDS Christmas Project.

Our strongest funding comes from you, our supporters. TSA requests donations be sent to our address listed above. Basic membership is $25 a year, more if you can afford it, less if you can’t. The TSA newsletter is mailed to our members, and can be picked up at numerous locations in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. The TSA Newsletter mailing list is strictly confidential and is not shared with anyone. As a 501c3 organization, all donations to TSA are tax

Ohio Resources
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